They have a pathological hatred of any kind of order, from laws, to moral codes, to personal responsibility. They have no respect for the truth, and see it only something to subvert to further their own ends. They don't have any care for who they trample in the pursuit of their objectives. And lastly they delight in the ripping down of ordered systems, laws, and even society with no real plan in place to do anything differently. The want "down with the man, burn this town" with no actual alternative system in mind. They just wanna be set free and think they will find liberation in anarchy.
In turn their motivation is selfishness of the worst order. They generally want you trampled because you upset them, their feelings were hurt, or they want to feel some kind of satisfaction. They are much like children ripping the wings off flies in that regard.
At least we can understand motives like greed. But theirs are "because somebody assumed their gender."
I have said it before and will say it before. The Liberal, Socialist Left is Chaotic Evil.
They have a pathological hatred of any kind of order, from laws, to moral codes, to personal responsibility. They have no respect for the truth, and see it only something to subvert to further their own ends. They don't have any care for who they trample in the pursuit of their objectives. And lastly they delight in the ripping down of ordered systems, laws, and even society with no real plan in place to do anything differently. The want "down with the man, burn this town" with no actual alternative system in mind. They just wanna be set free and think they will find liberation in anarchy.
In turn their motivation is selfishness of the worst order. They generally want you trampled because you upset them, their feelings were hurt, or they want to feel some kind of satisfaction. They are much like children ripping the wings off flies in that regard.
At least we can understand motives like greed. But theirs are "because somebody assumed their gender."
All devils are CE so this pretty much fits