Im the first 10 minutes of their latest special they talk about how Kenny was working with Nasa and about to break open information that was going to harm lots of high power people before they killed him. Additionally there are many hints of the dystopic future in store. Q said that you would laugh when you found out some of the people working with them...i kind of wonder if south park has been a truth pill for awhile because they have made crazy claims and exposed a lot of what Q talks about. Corporate mickey, abuse of stars like jonas brothers, china virus and trying to by integrity (tegridy farms) would be epic.
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In my opinion, South Park has been the best satire in the last 20 years. They have poked fun at the left all this time and this “sin” has been overlooked because of their crude humor. Look at Team America: World Police and the Film Actors Guild (FAGs) where the top target was Alec, I did not pull the trigger, Baldwin.
Yeah and they have called a lot of things like Hollywood elite deviance and stuff. Also part of me wonders if they are too big to fail and that's why they stay on the network. You wouldn't produce banned shows if you were in the club and you also would be in the spot light. Most of the writers and producers are well known but not "famous" in the celebrity sense like Bill Hader and others. They don't stay in the lime light they work in the background.
Also, remember that South Park is the only show to have 2 episodes banned, despite the 1st amendment, because they made fun of the consequences of what Islamists do to people who poke fun at Islam. Try to find episodes 200 & 201 today.
I like South Park, haven't seen the latest one yet. They certainly could be mocking but could be a threat too. sending a message to people who are considering flipping.
Haha the best scene since the lochness monster was the origin of the Wuhan virus where Mickey hooks up with a bat and says "what, it's just a mouse with wings". I almost died laughing. But yeah I'm a casual follower I probably haven't seem 1/10 of episodes
I guess the way to tell would be to dig into if cbs/Viacom had been flipped and that would start the right direction?
I believe CBS could stepped down or one of their big wigs but idk. My gut says trey stone and Matt Parker at least were in the club cause everything they touch turns to gold from video games to South park to Broadway but who knows. They have some hilarious and prescient content
Don't forget the episode about Brittney Spears and Miley Cyrus.
Or they're Masons
...and, how much you wanna bet Kenny comes back from the dead?
they killed Kenny? Those bastards!
As Mysterio, his superpower was that he couldn’t die.
Did you’ll pick up that Butters was the prisoner in the asylum Victor Chaos (Professor Chaos)