I keep reading how freemasons are evil and do horrible things. Yet I grew up with masons. I'm not evil, nor do I do horrible things. So, being new, and open minded. I would like to have a civilized discussion about the freemasons! And remember. I come from family members whom are passed now, but, were. Masons. I'm open to here. Thank you.
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I like your grandfather, his story sounds like a true Ulsterman. My great grandfathers were at the Somme in the 36th UVF.
Family involved with the orange as well.
It's good to hear a fren talking about a loyal brothers deeds.
No Surrender
Loyal followers of King William of orange , my grandfather was wholly devoted to the orange order and we still have his orange sashes ordained with religious pins Iām just not sure how it all fits in with his free masonry, I can only gather that he picked it up stuck in the trenches in the Somme with the Royal Irish Ulster regiment