I keep reading how freemasons are evil and do horrible things. Yet I grew up with masons. I'm not evil, nor do I do horrible things. So, being new, and open minded. I would like to have a civilized discussion about the freemasons! And remember. I come from family members whom are passed now, but, were. Masons. I'm open to here. Thank you.
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Brazen serpent = bold brass serpent Brass is an alloy of bronze and zinc In the old testament a Nehushtan was given for protection from the seraphim or burning serpents aka angels. There is reasons to suggest yahweh is depicted as a dragon in the old testament and to the Hebrew. Flames from the nostrils great wings and virgin sacrifice etc. Vlad the impaler named Dracula son of the dragon from house of the dragon. Lots of dragon symbolism.
Only if you're a commie faggot.
Simple, brutish but truthful.
One thing I noticed about Gods soldiers,Chosen, Watchers and the Called is we are deeply wounded, brutish and sometimes even obnoxious but our heart is at the right placed.
And maybe this is all that was required at us and to be fair in a sea of degenerates, master of lies, thieves, murderers and general human filth that has done everything they could to destroy everyone around them. its actually a miracle that the light still shines.
His appearance doesn't change anything so it would be no less retarded than a bearded man in the clouds. And if you don't like it be upset at the Bible for putting it out there not me. I'm not the one suggesting it, the Bible is.