Every sin ever committed in all of history was Israel and jews. So exhausting. There are countless countries that would benefit, not just one. Not everything in the world is black and white.
But my guess would be if this is true Leslie weiner was some kind of soros like entity laundering money and at a higher level toward the top of the food chain. Soros did Ukraine so its not inconceivable wexner was involved in something similar but it needs real proof.
Every sin ever committed in all of history was Israel and jews. So exhausting. There are countless countries that would benefit, not just one. Not everything in the world is black and white.
But my guess would be if this is true Leslie weiner was some kind of soros like entity laundering money and at a higher level toward the top of the food chain. Soros did Ukraine so its not inconceivable wexner was involved in something similar but it needs real proof.
Let me know when you see anything like AIPAC or 500 standing ovations for Netenyahu on US soil but for Laos or Niger instead.
Ay Tone, if the I in AIPAC stood for Italy people would be asking a whole lot of questions!
People are brainwashed to think Israel should be as important or more important than America. That's why they clap like trained seals.
Real proof would be most welcome.
There are bad actors among every ethnicity. I don’t think Joseph Stalin was Jewish, for example.