Let me guess. You are using the endless scroll, loading the "New" feed. When it stops and you hit the Page Down button, the last post that was showing gets repeated. That's the bug. It's not "double posting" it's a display refresh bug.
Someone correct me if this is something else. I see it all the time.
That's what I see. Every time. I also grown enough to realize it and keep scrolling and not get my panties in a twist and birch about it. It takes a millisecond to move my eyes to the next post. 😁
Let me guess. You are using the endless scroll, loading the "New" feed. When it stops and you hit the Page Down button, the last post that was showing gets repeated. That's the bug. It's not "double posting" it's a display refresh bug.
Someone correct me if this is something else. I see it all the time.
That's what I see. Every time. I also grown enough to realize it and keep scrolling and not get my panties in a twist and birch about it. It takes a millisecond to move my eyes to the next post. 😁
Agreed. Certainly not important enough to call people names.
You are wrong. I've never done that, and yet some of my posts have shown up twice.
No it's not, it's the endless scroll function.
No it's not, it's the endless scroll function.
No it's not, it's the endless scroll function.