Possible Nuclear Explosion Scare! Iran
Well here it is as predicted. Our first Nuclear Scare event. It’s over in Iran. How small or large, it’s not clear yet. First reports say only a “drone” was destroyed. But look for fallout, freak outs and lockdowns of the countries around, blame, and then possible retaliations.
Wake me up when they do NYC, though I should be close enough to see the flash, maybe hear the long boom.
Butt-Hurt Detected. Look on the bright side (no pun intended), Vaporization is far more merciful than what the Cabal has planned for you.
You can say that again Anon. But luckily the Cabal themselves will never get much further with opportunities, unless they include a prison interior, soap and a shower, and a very large forceful muscular man nick-named Bubba. Hahaha!