Well I've posted in this thread sources that say it's been both isolatedand sequenced all over the earth, and also pictures of the actual virus so until you provide sources of your claims you are as good as totally wrong to me and anyone else whose seen the sources that discredit your argument..
Viruses play key roles in n every aspect of life on earth. Denying they exist is alot like saying the earth is flat.
They aren't just talked about in human medicine, Iean they Are key players in every aspect of biology and how the entire ecology of the planet works. If they cease to exist so does the entire biosphere like within days.
Yes, viruses do infact exist,. Yes SARS-CoV-2 has been photographed countless times and has been isolated and sequenced by many teams from all over the earth including the US, Japan, Korea, Canada etc etc
Many other non mainstream As well mainstream scientist have risked their careers to say that after looking at the genome of SARS-CoV-2 they believe it was created in a lab.
There is no reason to believe that it's not real. It even has different symptoms that colds and flus don't have, and infects people outside of cold and flu season.. what would be to gain to not use a real virus ?
Covid has different symptoms than the flu, and I know people who have described them, loss of taste etc.
As far as where did the flu go? Tjise numbers don't add up.
The flu numbers were down because the .ain vector for flu transmission is public schools which were closed
There was only a fraction of covid cases in Australia of what their normal animal cases amount up to. Those nbers comparing flu and covid don't add up. I looked into it and compared them along time ago.
Also kids DO get and transit the flu. That is infact the number one way the floor gets around. Even adults who get the flu generally do so I directly or directly from children.
So why don't kids get covid if they get the flu and supposedly they are the same.
Yes this entire thing is an act of war whether or not the virus is real.
Well I've posted in this thread sources that say it's been both isolatedand sequenced all over the earth, and also pictures of the actual virus so until you provide sources of your claims you are as good as totally wrong to me and anyone else whose seen the sources that discredit your argument..
Viruses play key roles in n every aspect of life on earth. Denying they exist is alot like saying the earth is flat.
They aren't just talked about in human medicine, Iean they Are key players in every aspect of biology and how the entire ecology of the planet works. If they cease to exist so does the entire biosphere like within days.
Yes, viruses do infact exist,. Yes SARS-CoV-2 has been photographed countless times and has been isolated and sequenced by many teams from all over the earth including the US, Japan, Korea, Canada etc etc
Many other non mainstream As well mainstream scientist have risked their careers to say that after looking at the genome of SARS-CoV-2 they believe it was created in a lab.
There is no reason to believe that it's not real. It even has different symptoms that colds and flus don't have, and infects people outside of cold and flu season.. what would be to gain to not use a real virus ?
Why wouldn't they?
Covid has different symptoms than the flu, and I know people who have described them, loss of taste etc.
As far as where did the flu go? Tjise numbers don't add up.
The flu numbers were down because the .ain vector for flu transmission is public schools which were closed
There was only a fraction of covid cases in Australia of what their normal animal cases amount up to. Those nbers comparing flu and covid don't add up. I looked into it and compared them along time ago.
Also kids DO get and transit the flu. That is infact the number one way the floor gets around. Even adults who get the flu generally do so I directly or directly from children.
So why don't kids get covid if they get the flu and supposedly they are the same.
Yes this entire thing is an act of war whether or not the virus is real.
They create viruses in labs all the time