535 Anything but the jab, I swear! (media.greatawakening.win) ⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️ posted 3 years ago by penisse 3 years ago by penisse +535 / -0 67 comments download share 67 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I think it is leaky menstrual cycles.
That's called spotting ,, winter vagina ? Pretty nuts
Well, spotting when you shouldn’t be spotting. In other words, screwed up cycles created by the vaxx, now blamed on Winter.
It's sometimes an early sign of pregnancy. Gonna cause some panic in the vaxed female population.
Oh Yes I knew what u meant I was saying what a friggin name they gave it ,, how about the one where they blamed babies dying on climate change ,, how in the world could people be this moronic