Despite our best efforts using all Zelenko prophylactic protocols, my brother ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. Now we are stuck in the broken system that won't use any treatment that isn't cabal "approved". They are trying an EUA med "Baracitinib". His 02 levels are holding good with bipap, but they say his lungs are 80-90% damaged. They just told my sister-in-law she would only be allowed to visit for 1 hour per day, despite him being in a "normal" room, and the staff telling her that covid patients "do much better when family is there for support". We're fighting through every channel we can find. Respectfully asking frens here to keep him in your prayers. Thank You, God Bless UPDATE: 10 Dec 21 I got my first text from my brother since he was admitted... in response to my screenshot of this post showing him how many total "strangers" were praying for him... he replied "Love you guys!!!!!!". He is down to a simple face mask or nasal canula, o2 numbers are better, and color is good. The doomer doctor is gone, and the new doctor is optimistic. Thank You all so much, as our prayers are being answered as we speak. God Bless you frens!
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Praying for him and your family. Get that Ivermectin for him now. A 1 hour Ivermectin visit per day may save his life. Get him out of the hospital now. God bless you all.
Seems like the ivermectin and other prophylactic protocols didn't work well to begin with if covid damaged his lungs so much anyway. I'm not convinced on such things, and these stories posted here of people still getting very sick doesn't give much hope either.
What's strange is the "clear" chest xray, which was after about a week of symptoms, and then "feeling better" for 3 days... then a fast turn around.