Who among us, those watching this, is such an authority to claim to know what demons can or cant do or say? Is your opinion based on something you saw in a movie or watched on a tv club such as 700` or some other commercialized tv evangelical ministry? To be clear, your opion is likely based on someone claiming they know through their understanding or perceptions. We read in Mark 1:23-26 that a demonically possessed man, in the synagogue Called out to Jesus Himself saying "What business do we have with each other, Jesus of Nazereth? Have you come to destroy us? I know You are-The Holy One of God!" Again in Acts 19:13-16 a demon speaks the name Jesus. There are more examples you can find but the point is that we exist in an extremely deceptive age. We have Direct access to Jesus and aren't by bound by manmade deceptive teachings or practice. Jesus, whom his disciples called Rabbi, is our teacher not those self appointed never annointed self proclaimed authority's. God doesn't require diplomas or any percieved documentation. I don't whether the woman in the video is faking or not . God knows and that's all need to know. We don't have to be broken before we call upon Him. Just asking that you think about trying this. Sometime when you're alone try whispering, or just speak inside your head, "What am I to You God?" Don't need to expect an answer, in fact don't, but just keep finding time to ask Him. "Seek and you will find". His Promise.
Who among us, those watching this, is such an authority to claim to know what demons can or can
t do or say? Is your opinion based on something you saw in a movie or watched on a tv club such as
700` or some other commercialized tv evangelical ministry? To be clear, your opion is likely based on someone claiming they know through their understanding or perceptions. We read in Mark 1:23-26 that a demonically possessed man, in the synagogue Called out to Jesus Himself saying "What business do we have with each other, Jesus of Nazereth? Have you come to destroy us? I know You are-The Holy One of God!" Again in Acts 19:13-16 a demon speaks the name Jesus. There are more examples you can find but the point is that we exist in an extremely deceptive age. We have Direct access to Jesus and aren't by bound by manmade deceptive teachings or practice. Jesus, whom his disciples called Rabbi, is our teacher not those self appointed never annointed self proclaimed authority's. God doesn't require diplomas or any percieved documentation. I don't whether the woman in the video is faking or not . God knows and that's all need to know. We don't have to be broken before we call upon Him. Just asking that you think about trying this. Sometime when you're alone try whispering, or just speak inside your head, "What am I to You God?" Don't need to expect an answer, in fact don't, but just keep finding time to ask Him. "Seek and you will find". His Promise.