The ironic thing is there’s evidence that Rosa Parks was staged too. These Communists subverters have been up to their tricks for a long time. A different woman did what Rosa Parks did a few years before, and the activists wanted to turn her into an icon for racial progressivism, but the woman was unable to stick to a script and would go off on anti-white rants, which wouldn’t have worked in that era like they do now. This makes a lot of sense too, because that’s exactly the kind of woman who would start screaming and making a scene on a bus. The communists loved the premise of her story though and decided to recreate it years later with their hand-selected racial activist with the correct messaging. Even the name is the cabal winking/laughing at you: Rosa parks her ass at the front of the bus and refuses to budge.
Lol... the Gay Rosa Parks of the 21st century🐸
The ironic thing is there’s evidence that Rosa Parks was staged too. These Communists subverters have been up to their tricks for a long time. A different woman did what Rosa Parks did a few years before, and the activists wanted to turn her into an icon for racial progressivism, but the woman was unable to stick to a script and would go off on anti-white rants, which wouldn’t have worked in that era like they do now. This makes a lot of sense too, because that’s exactly the kind of woman who would start screaming and making a scene on a bus. The communists loved the premise of her story though and decided to recreate it years later with their hand-selected racial activist with the correct messaging. Even the name is the cabal winking/laughing at you: Rosa parks her ass at the front of the bus and refuses to budge.