I see many of us in various threads post stories about adverse vaccine reactions of friends and loved ones after getting the “vaccine”. Had another friend come down with one the other day. Want to see some stories all in one place, I’ll post a few of my own below:
Male friend. Late 20’s, perfectly healthy. Was in ER 24 hours after the shot with flu like symptoms and excruciating pain in his back. Pain was so bad they ended up giving him MORPHINE as other pain killers were not working. Was in hospital for 2 days.
Female friend. Mid-20’s, perfectly healthy. Joints acted up in weeks following second shot, could no longer even make a fist due to pain. Went to doctor, diagnosed her with severe rheumatoid arthritis. Is now on the most intense arthritis meds on the market indefinitely.
Male friend. Early 30’s, overweight with some health issues. Broke out in a rash all over his body day after his recent booster dose. Doctors said “it may be due to vaccine but unlikely”. Now needs to wash entire body in medication everyday to alleviate itching. Doctors said, “this will take it away but it may come back”.
I have more but wanted to post a few that were direct, first hand acquaintances of mine. This stuff is poison, I’m convinced of that based on what I’ve seen first hand.
Wow. Awesome video but also incredibly sad. Summed up my thread in one video.
I've been sharing this whenever the topic comes up so more people see what my friends husband went through...
My friends husband (and her) got the jabs (Pfizer) earlier this year and he passed away on Thanksgiving morning from having cancer in his stomach & liver when for the last few months doctors couldn’t figure out what the heck was wrong with him. He’s never had any signs of cancer, then all of a sudden the cancer is so advanced it kills him? His first symptoms were dizziness, hard time breathing, couldn’t walk & his stomach had fluid in it (unexplained). Also had bleeding from where I don't know but he needed to be given blood at one point, they supposedly found out and stopped the point where he was bleeding from (obviously internally). Saw doctor after doctor for like 2-3 months, not one suggested testing for cancer until a few days before he died. They took I don’t know how many liters of fluid out of his stomach over the last month. Doctors had absolutely no idea what was wrong with him until the tested for cancer. Towards the end (last few days) there were times he didn't even recognize his wife. His last 2 weeks were spent in the hospital. I know damn well it was the vaxx. And the doctors had absolutely no flipping clue what they were freaking doing or what to look for.
A friend who got the jabs because of her job mandating it or she would be fired. She didn’t want to get it but she felt pressured & couldn’t find another job. After her 1st jab (Pfizer), she felt fuzzy headed & her arm hurt. Later on she got sick with a cold or something. After her second jab (last week) having headaches & top part of her body ached (like her arm, chest & under her arm and side (that she got the jab on).
A family member of mine has been telling me for a couple months now she thinks her blood pressure is pretty high, enough so she thinks she should see a doctor but I don’t think she has been to see a doctor because she is always too busy with work. She got the Pfizer jab, even though I tried to talk her out of getting it. She fell for the propaganda. She fully believes the masks work, and think the PCR tests are accurate. So I doubt she will associate her high blood pressure with the jab.
Wow, that first story is incredibly sad. Hope your friend finds some peace and gets some justice one day. That is a horrific way to go.
Thank you! I don't think they even think about that it could have been the vaxx.
My SIL reacted horribly to both shots. She will likely take every booster until it kills her A local man died less than a week after his shot Another local auctioneer went blind from his shot
Lol /r/CovidVaccinated booted my ass long ago. There’s very few places left to discuss this.
Whether you like it or not, Covid/Vaccines have become intricate part of the Great Reset and hence very relevant