The email message says that there's been a lot of litigation related to the ETS, and while they are monitoring developments, for now the enforcement is on hold.
This is a huge company and great news!!!!!!!!!!!!
The email message says that there's been a lot of litigation related to the ETS, and while they are monitoring developments, for now the enforcement is on hold.
This is a huge company and great news!!!!!!!!!!!!
My company has not issued a mandate but has been pushing vax real hard. Now they are offering a bonus up to $1000 to employees who upload proof of vax.
My company pushed very hard also. They offered ridiculous amounts of time off, gift cards, and were talking about the app they'd use for us to upload our stuff also.
About a month ago they had a town hall-type call in where they got a lot of pushback and the legal person said that an EO was law and "we'd comply with the law".
Better check into this but you may be able to get the $1000 by offering a religious exemption stating that you can’t take the vax but would like to be treated fairlyand equally (ie not discriminated against).
My company offered 2 vacation days for proof of vax then had to come back and offer them to anyone who wasn’t but had an qualified exemption.
Have seen this posted by others today, the fact that companies are publicly acknowledging the court decisions is a great sign.
Agreed! There seems to be momentum.
Mine has a mask "policy" and some of our sites do have requirements to be vaccinated before you go on them, but we also have a fair amount of employees who vaxxed early when all the enticements were in place. :(
My company has the mask + double vax or stay the fuck home policy.
I work remote and don't care to commute 1,500 miles to the office.
Many of us work remote also, and they said even us would have to be vaxxed at first.
They relaxed that also. I think they must be getting a decent amount of pushback.
As of today, Siemens has not yet backed down. They're treating me with kid gloves however due to my ongoing legal challenge using the Common Law.
I know, right? Disgusting.
Curious about something… when you received the original notification for required vax, did they put the mandates as a reason? If they did, here’s my thoughts. If companies are no longer being “forced” by the federal overreach mandates, it puts the liability back on the company which in turn opens the company up to litigation. It’s why many companies were offering incentives or testing vs requirements. Now that the federal mandate has been stayed, I think an injunction against an employer would NOW have a lot more teeth and backing.
No, at first it was to protect everyone, then it was because OSHA said so, then it was because of the EO.
We're run by diversity hires.
So now they don’t have the federal backing, I think an injunction against the company would now work
I think you are probably right. Let's see what their next move is :)
Thank god my company's parent is a Texas company.
Happy for you too!!!
what about all the poor fucks who took the vax because they were forced into a corner?
What about them?
Great news fren.
As the lucky Pedes celebrate all through the torture chambers.