You shouldn't believe everything you read on Wikipedia or see in Hollywood films.
Do you even know where the "six million" number originated?
I think it's worth learning because we're often reminded to never forget:
It all started as Russian wartime propaganda claiming four million Jews were exterminated in the gas chamber showers at Auschwitz concentration camp, located in Poland.
This story was presented without evidence during the Nuremberg trials and assumed to be true, without question, by every judge.
The number was quickly increased to six million to also accommodate the gas chamber showers at Dachau concentration camp.
The Polish government later officially revised the estimate for Auschwitz down from four million to 1.1 million after their investigation determined it would be scientifically impossible to execute more than 1.1 million Jews using Auschwitz's gas chambers and ovens.
Dozens of teams of scientists later forensically tested the walls, structure and soil from both the Auschwitz and Dachau gas chamber showers and found no residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas. Many tests were performed by different teams because nobody could believe the results, despite every team producing the same results proving NOBODY was gassed in the showers at either camp.
1.1 million, 6 million, 500,000... what do these numbers have in common? They're all too high.
The conspiracy is not whether or not the holocaust happened. It did. The conspiracy is how that event is used to diminish the atrocities of Stalin and Mao which have something like 100 million plus CONFIRMED murders whereas estimates almost reach the 1 B mark... the conspiracy is that Hitler was somehow super evil and the Nazis were all literally Satan incarnate when in reality most Germans and Nazi soldiers didn't even know about the camps and Hitler was likely just the face of the party. The conspiracy is that Nazism, which is literally no different from China Communism, gets scorned into oblivion, but Communism gets a free fuckin pass. The desire to have dominion over other humans is the root of evil. Nazism and Communism are both evil. The end.
It did? Please define "the holocaust". The rounding up of and encampment of? Of course that happened. I don't think that's what most people DEFINE it as however. Words have meaning and this particular word carries a VERY DEFINITE MEANING to the brainwashed masses.
I agree with your Mao/Stalin assessment. You should add the Holodomor, as the REAL HOLOCAUST, of this period.
Okay. Explain the millions of witnesses who's stories have all been consistent and not once has it ever been proven false nor has anyone admitted that it was one big lie...
The numbers arguing is one thing. But that does not prove it didn't happen.
For every thousand witnesses that didn't see the "chambers", maybe one claimed they did. Dozens of these so-called witnesses of the gas chambers turned out to be proven liars. Further, there's just about zero consistency between the few dozen that are still held out as truthful. Read their testimony - vague, uncertain, and far from verifiable.
Dozens have admitted to their lies and there are more in the queue.
Throw out all you think you know about it. Then ask the simplest of questions. What's the fastest, easiest, cleanest way to kill millions of people? You'll find that "gassing" them comes in around number 80 kajillion down the list. It's utterly absurd. It's difficult to kill just ONE person via gas. Complicated, messy, not guaranteed, and utterly deadly for the guards, workers and staff in the vicinity.
Trust me, it didn't happen. I doubt you'll really want to research it. But if you do, you can PM me for information.
Now, sure, there were certain infiltrating, traitorous communist bolsheviks in Germany that were certainly lined up and shot. Probably tens of thousands of them. But that's a whole different ballgame. Every country has done this since time immemorial during war.
If I said the moon was made of blue cheese, is the onus on you to prove it isn't? I can't prove what DID NOT happen. The problem is, the "authorities" can't prove that it did happen. That's why they won't entertain an open and honest debate on the subject and why anybody who speaks out and questions it has their careers, reputations and lives ruined by the establishment. That should really be all you need to know.
Read up on David Irving. Once widely considered the greatest WII historian om the world. The day after he testified as an expert witness that there was no evidence of gas chambers, his life was systematically destroyed. He's merely the latest victim. There were dozens before him.
Read those comments below. There were two holocausts - first, the Holodomor where the bolshevik commies STARVED 8-10 million Ukrainians in 1932-33, which the US press completely suppressed (an horrific way to die BTW). See the movie "Mr. Jones". And after the war, the United States STARVED close to 1 million Germans - Eisenhower was in charge of that. That was shortly after the US & Britain dropped white-phosphorous bombs on the civilian population of Dresden, killing some 250,000 mostly women, children and convalescing men - for absolutely no strategic reason at all.
If you're ready to cut through the propaganda and brainwashing, find the movie "Europa, the Last Battle" on Bitchute. It's about 12 hours. You'll have a new understanding after that.
We have been lied to in MASSIVE ways. This is just a start...
You shouldn't believe everything you read on Wikipedia or see in Hollywood films.
Do you even know where the "six million" number originated?
I think it's worth learning because we're often reminded to never forget:
It all started as Russian wartime propaganda claiming four million Jews were exterminated in the gas chamber showers at Auschwitz concentration camp, located in Poland.
This story was presented without evidence during the Nuremberg trials and assumed to be true, without question, by every judge.
The number was quickly increased to six million to also accommodate the gas chamber showers at Dachau concentration camp.
The Polish government later officially revised the estimate for Auschwitz down from four million to 1.1 million after their investigation determined it would be scientifically impossible to execute more than 1.1 million Jews using Auschwitz's gas chambers and ovens.
Dozens of teams of scientists later forensically tested the walls, structure and soil from both the Auschwitz and Dachau gas chamber showers and found no residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas. Many tests were performed by different teams because nobody could believe the results, despite every team producing the same results proving NOBODY was gassed in the showers at either camp.
Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site staff posted signs in several languages to inform tourists that their "death camp gas chamber showers" were just normal showers.
And that's where the six million number originated.
1.1 million, 6 million, 500,000... what do these numbers have in common? They're all too high.
The conspiracy is not whether or not the holocaust happened. It did. The conspiracy is how that event is used to diminish the atrocities of Stalin and Mao which have something like 100 million plus CONFIRMED murders whereas estimates almost reach the 1 B mark... the conspiracy is that Hitler was somehow super evil and the Nazis were all literally Satan incarnate when in reality most Germans and Nazi soldiers didn't even know about the camps and Hitler was likely just the face of the party. The conspiracy is that Nazism, which is literally no different from China Communism, gets scorned into oblivion, but Communism gets a free fuckin pass. The desire to have dominion over other humans is the root of evil. Nazism and Communism are both evil. The end.
It did? Please define "the holocaust". The rounding up of and encampment of? Of course that happened. I don't think that's what most people DEFINE it as however. Words have meaning and this particular word carries a VERY DEFINITE MEANING to the brainwashed masses.
I agree with your Mao/Stalin assessment. You should add the Holodomor, as the REAL HOLOCAUST, of this period.
Okay. Explain the millions of witnesses who's stories have all been consistent and not once has it ever been proven false nor has anyone admitted that it was one big lie...
The numbers arguing is one thing. But that does not prove it didn't happen.
For every thousand witnesses that didn't see the "chambers", maybe one claimed they did. Dozens of these so-called witnesses of the gas chambers turned out to be proven liars. Further, there's just about zero consistency between the few dozen that are still held out as truthful. Read their testimony - vague, uncertain, and far from verifiable.
Dozens have admitted to their lies and there are more in the queue.
Throw out all you think you know about it. Then ask the simplest of questions. What's the fastest, easiest, cleanest way to kill millions of people? You'll find that "gassing" them comes in around number 80 kajillion down the list. It's utterly absurd. It's difficult to kill just ONE person via gas. Complicated, messy, not guaranteed, and utterly deadly for the guards, workers and staff in the vicinity.
Trust me, it didn't happen. I doubt you'll really want to research it. But if you do, you can PM me for information.
Now, sure, there were certain infiltrating, traitorous communist bolsheviks in Germany that were certainly lined up and shot. Probably tens of thousands of them. But that's a whole different ballgame. Every country has done this since time immemorial during war.
If I said the moon was made of blue cheese, is the onus on you to prove it isn't? I can't prove what DID NOT happen. The problem is, the "authorities" can't prove that it did happen. That's why they won't entertain an open and honest debate on the subject and why anybody who speaks out and questions it has their careers, reputations and lives ruined by the establishment. That should really be all you need to know.
Read up on David Irving. Once widely considered the greatest WII historian om the world. The day after he testified as an expert witness that there was no evidence of gas chambers, his life was systematically destroyed. He's merely the latest victim. There were dozens before him.
Read those comments below. There were two holocausts - first, the Holodomor where the bolshevik commies STARVED 8-10 million Ukrainians in 1932-33, which the US press completely suppressed (an horrific way to die BTW). See the movie "Mr. Jones". And after the war, the United States STARVED close to 1 million Germans - Eisenhower was in charge of that. That was shortly after the US & Britain dropped white-phosphorous bombs on the civilian population of Dresden, killing some 250,000 mostly women, children and convalescing men - for absolutely no strategic reason at all.
If you're ready to cut through the propaganda and brainwashing, find the movie "Europa, the Last Battle" on Bitchute. It's about 12 hours. You'll have a new understanding after that.
We have been lied to in MASSIVE ways. This is just a start...