What reforms would you like to see when Trump comes back?
Term limits on all politicians and higher-level bureaucrats. Two terms in the Senate, six in the House, and one 18-year term in SCOTUS (fixed at nine members, one replaced every two years). Higher level bureaucrats get about 10 years in leading positions. No more Pelosis, McConnels, or Faucis in our government.
Disband the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. and replace them with much more highly regulated and transparent agencies that answer directly to Congress. If striking down the Patriot Act can be included in this, then definitely do that as well.
Try to crack down on censorship and fake news.
Term limits and age limits. If you're old enough to draw Social Security, you shouldn't be in politics. You're too old, outdated, and not in touch with the younger generations to be of any real value/worth to solving humanity's problems. Term limits: 2 terms for Senate, 4 for Reps, 1 8 yr term for POTUS/VPOTUS, and 12 yrs for ALL judges, Fed AND State.
No more 3 letter agencies in their current forms. They're all bad and screwed beyond repair. Even the NSA. If the CIA, FBI, DOJ, DHS, etc have bad apples, it stands to reason NSA does, too. They can be rolled up into one agency because they all do each other's jobs. The CIA can go away and never return by being rolled up into the Defense Dept.
The V.A. needs to be disbanded and remade into a Defens Dept Office. No more civies taking care of Vets. That bureaucracy is the worst. They don't care about us. But they would if it was manned by Active Duty members. Because there's no way in Hell an Active Duty member would ever let a Vet get screwed like we have been. Before FDR, the V.A. was a function of th Defense Dept. It's time it returns.
I'll revisit this later.
You are spot on about the VA bro! My case has been awaiting since 2013, still no date for my appeal before the VA Kangaroo Court. Their strategy is delay until the Vet dies.