Josh Duggar found guilty in child pornography trial. Another one down!
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Sicko. This makes me wonder.... was the Duggar House rife with abuse under the guise of "One Big Happy Family?"
Sounds a lot like the Catholic Church.
The “catholic church” is not accepting of child abuse. Habe you ever heard of the concept of a false flag?
Step one: infiltrate
step two: commit abuses under the name of those whom you seek to discredit
step three: people are deceived and post comments like yours
Oh really? Then how is it that so many leaders in the Catholic church, just like many leaders in the Mormon church were caught several years back sexually abusing children and with child porn? Can you explain that one?
I already did. It’s called sin. Infiltration. Evil.
Until the catholic church teaches that pedophilia is acceptable, you cannot say it is the Church that is guilty. What about the reason you know about these things - the people in the same church who have shed light on them such as Abp. Vigano?
Yes, it’s evil. No, it is not catholicism that is evil. It’s a false flag because Catholicism is the single largest christian organization with apostolic succession so it is easiest to make God look bad. Look at Lutherans, Episcopals, Anglicans, Baptists. You will find equally high rates of pedophilia.