The repercussions to the people or country had his stupid fake lie not been so obvious.... would have been massive.
The political, social and media pressure at the time was off the charts to the point where snake politicians (we know who you are) were trying to push draconian & tyrannical legislation through onto the people.
His actions had huge ramifications, I wonder if that gets taken into any kind of consideration?
The act of one trying to tear his country in half via reverse hate crimes... is that seriously a non-punishable offence?
The repercussions to the people or country had his stupid fake lie not been so obvious.... would have been massive.
The political, social and media pressure at the time was off the charts to the point where snake politicians (we know who you are) were trying to push draconian & tyrannical legislation through onto the people.
His actions had huge ramifications, I wonder if that gets taken into any kind of consideration?
The act of one trying to tear his country in half via reverse hate crimes... is that seriously a non-punishable offence?