Hey everyone.
As the title suggests, I have some questions concerning my diet. For context, I am 15 and weigh 150lbs at roughly 5'11. I have been naturally thin my entire life, and always have issues finding pants that fit my waist. As a results, I pledge allegiance to elastic. My situation is definitely not as poor as some of the soyboys at my school, but I would like to get in the gym and gain some.
Unfortunately, I fall into many of the traps that people my age often do. This includes processed food, canned soup, ramen noodles, and sugary sweets. Outside of my diet, I also struggle with sleep, dandruff, probably some vitamin deficiencies, and a few other less notable hygiene issues.
My testosterone is also a concern, However I thankfully still have some balls left. I come from quite a masculine bloodline and my dad is still kicking ass at 64. My levels, if I had to guess, are certainly higher than probably 90% of dudes I know. But with my diet and the aggressive chemicals I use daily (Shampoo, mouthwash, conditioner, deodorants, phthalates, etc.) I am certain I can go much higher.
The base questions I bring are as follows. What should I cut from my diet immediately? What should I add immediately? What supplements, if any should I take? Parasites?
As always, If you have any questions about this post, patterns in my generation, or anything else, ask!
Hey man, I wish I was 15 again! if I could give my 15 year old self advice, off the top of my head:
No white carbs; Avoid potatoes, pasta, rice, sugar (all processed sugar) No milk products. No cereals No takeaways
Vegetables at every meal. Fat is not bad for you, eggs bacon etc will not hurt.
Books I wish I had read at 15:
Superhero Nutrition by Steve Zim
The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi (start with the first book)
The Game by Neil Strauss
The last two books, (assuming you are heterosexual) If you understand them can turn you into an absolute monster with women if you let them. Personally I think they are the best books on inter-sex relations and they work. Just don’t let them turn you into a dick. As the saying goes ‘“with great power comes great responsibility”
For other women and business/career/ Fitness related advice, check out interviews with Rollo Tomassi, Stirling Cooper, J Waller, Rich Cooper (they all have there own channels also)
Thanks for these recommendations. Definitely need something to read right now.