OMFG!! These people are crazy. This lady is dangerous! She is another female political traitor or an "Eve". What she's REALLY SAYING is that it is easier to make everybody else DUMMER, than to make the colored students SMARTER in their ultimate quest to make everyone EQUAL. Equally stupid I guess...
This doesn't "Help" the students of color at all... But it does HURT 100% OF EVERYONE ELSE. What's the point of even going to school at all? Who will strive for excellence and skill and knowledge? Will they be recognized or ridiculed for their effort? In the real world who the hell is gonna hire you if you can't count or read???? Nobody can possibly think this is a good thing... Do you?
OMFG!! These people are crazy. This lady is dangerous! She is another female political traitor or an "Eve". What she's REALLY SAYING is that it is easier to make everybody else DUMMER, than to make the colored students SMARTER in their ultimate quest to make everyone EQUAL. Equally stupid I guess... This doesn't "Help" the students of color at all... But it does HURT 100% OF EVERYONE ELSE. What's the point of even going to school at all? Who will strive for excellence and skill and knowledge? Will they be recognized or ridiculed for their effort? In the real world who the hell is gonna hire you if you can't count or read???? Nobody can possibly think this is a good thing... Do you?
Looks like Oregon is getting a head start in Idiocracy. Never thought that movie was a look into our future. However, now…