Unless it’s their ‘reflection’ through a Snapchat/insta filter- then they can’t turn away again. But your point stands bc it’s still not really them; psychologists could have a field day with these morons...if they (most) weren’t complete morons themselves
I think Freud discovered the back door aka hack to the human psyche. Not my area of expertise but people can be cracked pretty easily if you hit them e the right tool at the right time. Like cutting a diamond.
I call it “cat in the mirror syndrome”. It’ll look at anything but it’s own reflection.
Unless it’s their ‘reflection’ through a Snapchat/insta filter- then they can’t turn away again. But your point stands bc it’s still not really them; psychologists could have a field day with these morons...if they (most) weren’t complete morons themselves
I think Freud discovered the back door aka hack to the human psyche. Not my area of expertise but people can be cracked pretty easily if you hit them e the right tool at the right time. Like cutting a diamond.
Oh lol.no idea.