Not entirely certain. Usually depends on where it originated. If something is born in the house and passes the house, it goes to the senate. If it's born in the senate and passes there, it goes to the house. But the whole point of this in my opinion, is that it's unconstitutional in the first place and in the second place, not even lawful as 'mandates' are not law. Unfortunately, details like that don't seem to matter these days.
Not entirely certain. Usually depends on where it originated. If something is born in the house and passes the house, it goes to the senate. If it's born in the senate and passes there, it goes to the house. But the whole point of this in my opinion, is that it's unconstitutional in the first place and in the second place, not even lawful as 'mandates' are not law. Unfortunately, details like that don't seem to matter these days.