"Last year, he famously wrote an open letter threatening to push for the removal of board members of companies BlackRock invests in if they refuse to toe the progressive line on climate change.
More recently he has vowed to make ESG a centerpiece of BlackRock’s investing model. As Eleanor Terrett of Fox Business has reported, BlackRock now offers more than 150 mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (investment pools that trade like stocks) that adhere to ESG standards — more than any other firm on Wall Street. "
Larry Fink is driving the DNC's agenda, he is forcing his will on corporations, his company is buying up America at an alarming rate, there are 0 checks and balances on what he is doing. The government invited him in the front door to help out with a problem, he helped create, and he has never left. What else is this guy up to?
Wealth is not being "redistributed" in socialistic terms. If what I said comes to pass, its being kept safe from demolition and returned back to the rightful owners. The exact mechanism might be far more complicated than the way I outlined.
I cannot think of any other scenario where the Plan succeeds in doing the controlled demolition, but people dont lose their savings, and that can explain the Banks buying up all housing.
Read carefully to what Q promises us.