A kinetic civil war is a victory condition for the Cabal.
100% Moves in this direction play into the enemies hand. If anyone has doubt look at how much is being made of what was an actual nothingburger, Jan 06.
If every pede out there showed one other person the way it would be done.
If it ever comes, the World loses. A kinetic civil war is a victory condition for the Cabal. We would be killing each other and not the real enemy.
The only path to victory for We The People is for enough people to understand who the real enemy is. We are on that path.
They don't call it the Great Awakening because bullets make loud noises.
100% Moves in this direction play into the enemies hand. If anyone has doubt look at how much is being made of what was an actual nothingburger, Jan 06.
If every pede out there showed one other person the way it would be done.