I have been wondering about Bannon's Armageddon comment a week or so ago. He said that December 15th was the day. But he didn't give details. I saw that story on this site (here a link: https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4h5NYJ/between-now-and-the-next-17-days/), 12/15 was the date that the Treasury Secretary would announce that the US was out of money.
But that got fixed with a vote to--guess what?--create more money.
So was Bannon hinting as something different? That was always my thought because everyone knows that we just pass a bill to create more money.
I asked my intel friend what he thought, and he said that he has been hearing for a couple of weeks that FJB will resign on the 15th. Now, this might be old news to many, but for me it was a first. I'll be mighty curious... it might up my friend's credibility, or... not.
Any other thoughts about what Bannon could have been referring to?
Enjoy Friday night, Pedes. You all give me hope. And, it's snowing here, finally. Feels Christmasy. Time to make a cocktail!
Bannon also overhyped the AZ audit. And the cyber symposium. Maybe he's right this time. But also, maybe not.