They aren't trying to "normalize". They'te trying to educate. Far too many people are saying "they don't", period. They're speaking in absolutes. And it simply isn't true. Stop and you won't be corrected. They are rare, yes, but they do jappen. My son has been on a daily aspirin regimen since birth because of the risk.
There’s no way to verify what you are saying and there is no way to verify that the doctor’s diagnosis was accurate. Perhaps he just said that to sell some new drug for Big Pharma and he had a quota of kids with heart issues he needed to reach. These people are scumbags and liars who will happily harm their patients for money. Covid has revealed that. All previous diagnoses throughout history are now suspect. After we caught the Lancet forging data in a peer-reviewed medical journal in order to suppress the cure to a disease, all previous peer-reviewed studies are now null and void. Anyone claiming we have any legitimate medical knowledge at this point is in denial. We are basically starting from scratch here. Covid revealed who doctors truly are. PURE EVIL.
They aren't trying to "normalize". They'te trying to educate. Far too many people are saying "they don't", period. They're speaking in absolutes. And it simply isn't true. Stop and you won't be corrected. They are rare, yes, but they do jappen. My son has been on a daily aspirin regimen since birth because of the risk.
There’s no way to verify what you are saying and there is no way to verify that the doctor’s diagnosis was accurate. Perhaps he just said that to sell some new drug for Big Pharma and he had a quota of kids with heart issues he needed to reach. These people are scumbags and liars who will happily harm their patients for money. Covid has revealed that. All previous diagnoses throughout history are now suspect. After we caught the Lancet forging data in a peer-reviewed medical journal in order to suppress the cure to a disease, all previous peer-reviewed studies are now null and void. Anyone claiming we have any legitimate medical knowledge at this point is in denial. We are basically starting from scratch here. Covid revealed who doctors truly are. PURE EVIL.
If you're talking to son lives with half a heart and has had three open heart surgeries. Know when to stop talking