Lin has access to Isaac Kappy's blackmail "dead man's switch". The deep state is desperate to discredit him. He and Flynn are using this to draw out any DS agents that might be embedded in the patriotic community to make their moves. Lin is not going to come out and tell us who all are the agents. So he will just call out everyone. Slowly the fog will clear and by the time the awakening happens, we would know who amongst us (patriots) are traitors.
I have been following Lin for more than a year now and everything he says kinda all add up when you consider that they would sure him for filing election fraud case, but not for accusing big names of raping and murdering kids.
When you piece together with that, Kyle+Carlson attacks, you will realise that Kyle was a high value asset (witting or unwitting) and they deployed him against Lin - shows they are scattered of Lin.
Now consider why Isaac Kappy might have confided in Lin. Remember Lin took on the deep state in Jon Benet Ramsey case. He came into contact with many insiders in FBI/CIA. He knows this landscape.
A year after Biden entered office and no evidence from Lin Wood, who may be gthe King of Date Fagging, If he glowed any harder our renewable energy problems would be solved.
Lin has access to Isaac Kappy's blackmail "dead man's switch". The deep state is desperate to discredit him. He and Flynn are using this to draw out any DS agents that might be embedded in the patriotic community to make their moves. Lin is not going to come out and tell us who all are the agents. So he will just call out everyone. Slowly the fog will clear and by the time the awakening happens, we would know who amongst us (patriots) are traitors.
How do you know this? Sauce bb?
I have been following Lin for more than a year now and everything he says kinda all add up when you consider that they would sure him for filing election fraud case, but not for accusing big names of raping and murdering kids.
When you piece together with that, Kyle+Carlson attacks, you will realise that Kyle was a high value asset (witting or unwitting) and they deployed him against Lin - shows they are scattered of Lin.
Now consider why Isaac Kappy might have confided in Lin. Remember Lin took on the deep state in Jon Benet Ramsey case. He came into contact with many insiders in FBI/CIA. He knows this landscape.
I am just connecting the dots
A year after Biden entered office and no evidence from Lin Wood, who may be gthe King of Date Fagging, If he glowed any harder our renewable energy problems would be solved.
All the folks with evidence will provide it when the time comes and not a minute sooner, because we are in a devolution for a reason.