My father is home from the hospital, by the grace of God, after being admitted for ARDS from COVID.
He was never put on a ventilator, by God’s grace. They still put him on Olumiant, which wasn’t great, but he’s home. He needed oxygen support; they didn’t send him home with any. His sats are still not normal, but they aren’t in the 80s anymore. Also gave him dexamethasone while he was there.
While he was in there they also gave him zinc, melatonin, vitamin c, vitamin d—the works.
He is still in terrible shape. He still has trouble eating and drinking. He has terrible nausea. We have to help him shower, and go to the bathroom.
They gave him methylprednisolone and famotidine to take at home. They didn’t give him an inhaler despite giving him one in the hospital.
So, to everyone on here spouting memes about the survival rate of COVID like those of us who are suffering serious consequences from getting the damn China virus are morons, I ask you to reconsider.
Yes, I know masks do nothing. But they put my father basically on the Zelenko protocol, and I finally convinced him to take ivermectin twice before he got admitted, and he still got screwed over. We tried to contact AFLDS and FLCCC for treatment; neither provider nor pharmacy got back to us before he was bad.
Masks may not work, and the vaccines may be problematic, but I’m currently hoping my dad doesn’t have lasting consequences of this damn thing. So please, consider showing some respect for those of us terrified our loved ones will not be okay for a long time after being COVID positive.
Maybe omicron will finally end this since it’s milder. I hope to God it does.
Whatever it is, it is for certain real. Whether its a virus, agent, parasite, I dunno.
Agree with other poster, so many lies we are forced to "figure it out", hopefully, collectively.
PersonA (pureblood, 50+, healthy, always indoors) - Tested positive on day 2 of illness, very sick by day 5. They reached out, I got them monoclonal antibodies on day 7. By day 9 needed oxygen in hospital, but the fever and headache was gone with in 36 hours of mAB. Refused remdesivir, requested steroid treatment, released from hospital after 48 hours of steroids. 7 days later back at work.
PersonB (pureblood, 50+ multiple heart attacks, always outdoors) - Day2 (sniffles) got them monoclonal antibodies, a little worse on day 3, day 4 back to day 2, day 5, just tired and exhausted, not really sick.
PersonC (pureblood, 60+ healthy, significantly outside ) 12 days of fever/headache, no treatment.
PersonD (pureblood, 50+, healthy, always outside ) 10 days of fever/headache no treatment.
Like other poster, could not get ivermectin, and it took 7 days (could not wait ) for hydroxychloroquine from FLD.
Anyone else, everyone should know about, if you are a nurse, consider working for them. They are about getting the monoclonal antibodies out to the people. The owner is getting pushed aside at every chance, while trying to help people. He is hiring nurses across the country to delivery the mAB treatment. They send a nurse out, usually within 24 hours, directly to your home. It takes about 2 hours (treatment + monitoring). IT WORKS WELL!
Please share this, so others who cannot get other treatments fast enough have a recourse.
It appears, based on the attributes listed, you might be suggesting being outdoors might be an indicator on how the person is impacted by the virus. If so, might that point to vitamin D?
I thought it was very interesting, enough to make it a point. I know others have stated as much, but witnessing it, I thought it was important to note. Not a doctor, but I have common sense and I think it's certainly relevant. Especially since Person A is like hardcore indoors...ALWAYS.