I apologize if I caused offense that was not the intention. I'm not saying you don't eat healthier than 99% of the people on here. My point was inferred on the information you provided. You stating that you were in a flu like state which is why I stated that you did not understand how to nurture and feed your body hence the symptoms. One does not experience a flu like response when feeding and nurturing one's body optimally, in harmony with nature's laws. That is, specifically, your body's way of getting rid of an accumulation of excess toxic materials. If you said I'm not sick and haven't been for thirty years then I'd say nice that sounds like feeding and nourishing your body optimally. As far as catching COVID where is the virus. Has any organization or 'expert' manage to isolate this "virus"? Could they be describing a virus as a type of body response when faced with toxicity? As long as people are fearful of a bogeyman coming in and infecting them from exposure to others they will have a difficult time finding health. Health is a practice of daily discipline. In no way am I stating that I am nourishing my body in the ideal harmonious way and have found complete balance or that I am the expert. I am making steps everyday to come closer and closer to that harmony. My only point to try and get across is maybe just maybe this whole COVID thing is a carefully crafted crock of shit designed to get people to move away from taking their health responsibility back from the collective. God bless and keep you. My sincerest apologies and I wish you the best in your health journey.
I apologize if I caused offense that was not the intention. I'm not saying you don't eat healthier than 99% of the people on here. My point was inferred on the information you provided. You stating that you were in a flu like state which is why I stated that you did not understand how to nurture and feed your body hence the symptoms. One does not experience a flu like response when feeding and nurturing one's body optimally, in harmony with nature's laws. That is, specifically, your body's way of getting rid of an accumulation of excess toxic materials. If you said I'm not sick and haven't been for thirty years then I'd say nice that sounds like feeding and nourishing your body optimally. As far as catching COVID where is the virus. Has any organization or 'expert' manage to isolate this "virus"? Could they be describing a virus as a type of body response when faced with toxicity? As long as people are fearful of a bogeyman coming in and infecting them from exposure to others they will have a difficult time finding health. Health is a practice of daily discipline. In no way am I stating that I am nourishing my body in the ideal harmonious way and have found complete balance or that I am the expert. I am making steps everyday to come closer and closer to that harmony. My only point to try and get across is maybe just maybe this whole COVID thing is a carefully crafted crock of shit designed to get people to move away from taking their health responsibility back from the collective. God bless and keep you. My sincerest apologies and I wish you the best in your health journey.