Remember how the Jan 6 committee demand for executive privilege documents from Trump went to appeals court and Trump "lost" because we have only "one president at a time" and the past presidents cannot assert privilege?
What are the chances that this news is dropping right now, after 10 years of investigation, right when you can use that precedent to demand all the documents that Obama put under seal on the last day of his presidency ?
Let this be the tide turning, it will be hilarious if the birth certificate is what pushes the awakening over the precipice!
Right? Thats what I was thining. Also didnt that Sheriff get convicted for not allowing illegals to come in, and Trump had to pardon him? He is a mad lad, and this is a fitting end to the saga.
It was a civil rights thing, that he was deliberately targeting Hispanics in his roundups around the county. He would go to places like Home Depot where illegals would congregate begging for work, or set up road checks and stop people.
Now the interesting bit is that Jerome Corsi (the guy who faked being Q and got discredited) got involved in this as well. Until now i was under the impression that he was the guy trying to prove the BC was fake.
Looks like the BC of the lady Johanna Ah'Lee which was used as a source for creating the forged Obama BC had her BC with her at all times since 95, except when her friend Jerome Corsi asked to borrow it. He claims he borrowed it 10 days after Obama's BC was released.
My read is that Jerome Corsi was the guy who arranged for the forgery (probably because he works for CIA), then pretended to be the guy who exposes this and hence becomes a controlled opposition, until he was outed by the Q
I don't recall his claiming that. I do recall that he began to do "interpretations" of Q posts on a Patriot live stream before Q outed him as a "paytriot" because he was basically trying to sell his books and to drag people to InfoWars where Alex was claiming to be in contact with Q (or Zaq).
Remember how the Jan 6 committee demand for executive privilege documents from Trump went to appeals court and Trump "lost" because we have only "one president at a time" and the past presidents cannot assert privilege?
What are the chances that this news is dropping right now, after 10 years of investigation, right when you can use that precedent to demand all the documents that Obama put under seal on the last day of his presidency ?
Let this be the tide turning, it will be hilarious if the birth certificate is what pushes the awakening over the precipice!
My thoughts exactly and coincidentally in the same county with election fraud and a suppressed audit.
Right? Thats what I was thining. Also didnt that Sheriff get convicted for not allowing illegals to come in, and Trump had to pardon him? He is a mad lad, and this is a fitting end to the saga.
It was a civil rights thing, that he was deliberately targeting Hispanics in his roundups around the county. He would go to places like Home Depot where illegals would congregate begging for work, or set up road checks and stop people.
Yes, they framed the fact he picked up illegals where everybody knew they could be found as targeting.
Now the interesting bit is that Jerome Corsi (the guy who faked being Q and got discredited) got involved in this as well. Until now i was under the impression that he was the guy trying to prove the BC was fake.
Looks like the BC of the lady Johanna Ah'Lee which was used as a source for creating the forged Obama BC had her BC with her at all times since 95, except when her friend Jerome Corsi asked to borrow it. He claims he borrowed it 10 days after Obama's BC was released.
My read is that Jerome Corsi was the guy who arranged for the forgery (probably because he works for CIA), then pretended to be the guy who exposes this and hence becomes a controlled opposition, until he was outed by the Q
I don't recall his claiming that. I do recall that he began to do "interpretations" of Q posts on a Patriot live stream before Q outed him as a "paytriot" because he was basically trying to sell his books and to drag people to InfoWars where Alex was claiming to be in contact with Q (or Zaq).