214 posted 3 years ago by 369Q 3 years ago by 369Q +215 / -1 32 comments share 32 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Can you explain how this will be a Final Solution rather than just kicking the can down the road for our grandchildren to deal with?
we need to finalize the plan for example:
how to take everything in money and possesion from ruling families and let them be happy with that with the least amount of normie casualties
how to delete the banking cartel
how to delete the medical and big pharma cartel
how to obliterate gmo food cartels
how to destroy and scatter kgb I mean c_a system that clearly works for ka -baal and ruling "choosen" families
how to do this all but save jewish people
how to stop their tribal behavior and supremacy believes of rulling the cattle instilled in them by ka-baal
how to stop bloodlines competitiors and wars, put an end to 2000 year wars ?
how to rebuild the health system
how to decentralise the internet, again
and many many more
You end all those points with one simple trick. Become self sufficient. Grown your own food, hunt, only buy the things you need and can afford. You don't need big Pharma, let thy food be they medicine and let thy medicine be thy food.
I understand. I have 35 ha and will buy 10 more mu father in law has 150 ha in the mountains For me/us it is easy - but what about the city dwellers ?
When food runs out there will be mass riots and lots of death