Reports of police stations raising the Aussie flag upside down are coming in from across the country. If the police side with Aussies, it’s all over.

For sure, it's like nukes, there's an underlying threat of what could happen, but it's not a sure thing. Much better to accomplish things through peace.
It's already had an effect. One reason The people behind Biden did not attempt a direct vaccine mandate to the general population is that no one wanted to go out into that population with 400 million guns floating around and force vaccinate people, some of whom steadfastly believe it is a "kill shot" who would have nothing to lose in their view.
Also probably why China/DS hasn't invaded the US and instead has devised this insidious covert war.
For sure. I think back in the old Soviet Union they determined that a military invasion of the US was not winnable because the general population was armed, which is why Kruchev was banging his shoe on the podium at the UN, and saying they would beat us from within, a playbook the CCP has become very good at.