I started following Q in January of 2018, about 2 months after he debuted. Hard to believe, but all Q followers were certain all of the deep state were going to be arrested that year, and everyone was ecstatic about it and were constantly writing about it.
Some anon made a post that said something like "you guys should stop expecting any arrests this year. You don't understand this is a ten year plan, and it going to a long time to take down the Deep State."
I remember I thought "that really sucks if this is true, but this guy talks like he has some inside information." As more time passes, the more I believe he did.
The research on r/greatawakening was the most informative and thorough of any of the subsequent boards IMO. Each Q post had its own GA post and top comments were always stellar. Someone with more time than me should make qposts.win where each post or group of posts could have its own thread and the good stuff will obviously float to the top.
Great idea!