ProPatriaMori, after scouring NJ's comment history I have come to learn some things about him.
He's around 44 years old, is married with no kids, lives in NJ near Philadelphia, thinks little of Americans, thinks monogamy is unnatural, is an atheist, was likely molested/raped as a child, and has a creepy, out-of-touch sense of humor that usually results in a slew of downvotes or a general lack of response. And of course, he is a staunch defender of his attraction to teenagers and makes it a point to comment on any pedophilia topic that comes up on this site.
I think it's safe to say that this guy is a bit of a pervy odd-duck. As for him being a pedophile, I could not make such an accusation. There are red flags, but the proof is lacking. While it is appalling, it is not a crime to be attracted to teenagers. It's probably why the mods haven't banned him yet. Would I be surprised if NJHolyLand ended up on To Catch A Predator? Absolutely not. All we can do is be aware of this guy from now on and report it/screenshot it if he posts something illicit. Thanks for brining this up. I know you do so because you care about the integrity of this site.
My fault for not saving some of this info which I suspect has now been deleted. The comment of where you live is gone (which is smart), along with you stating that you were an atheist (contractual restriction at work?). But since you asked, I'll provide evidence to back the rest of my statements:
My late 30s wife told me this week that someone at the liquor store...
Although you deleted the comment where you said you lived near Philly, I found this comment that might supplement as evidence. Williamstown NJ is 28 minutes from Philly.
Im banned from Sharkys in Williamstown is all, anywhere else is my shit.
No. Spaniards, french, belgians, germans, austrians, they all speak multiple languages,know the classics on which the West is built, form and organize cells and groups like functioning social beings, maintain physical health and athletic competition, and have homes with inherited legacies of domestic and agricultural tricks and lessons. Going away Europeans are way superior to our obese, dysfunctional, ugly and resigned shut ins
I will go so far as to suspect that we are among the worlds most ignorant, cowed and despicable. I blame circumcision
Saying such a blanket statement tells me you may have been sexually abused as a child. Not proof, just my two cents.
Where there's smoke there's fire. You've never admitted to being attracted to 15 year olds, you just talk about them a lot! I could bring up all such commentary if you'd like. A simple Ctrl + F makes the job pretty easy!
By "blanket statement" you mean "fact" right? I'm also banned from clubs in Europe so what? Bars in Maine and New Hampshire too. I range wide and get rowdy so what? Do you not go out? It's often a cess pool of maladjusted lunatics and power tripping assholes
Why are you using "atheist" like a scarlet letter? This is the new world man. Lol you hate freedom. Im glad someone is reading my posts though, thank you.
ProPatriaMori, after scouring NJ's comment history I have come to learn some things about him.
He's around 44 years old, is married with no kids, lives in NJ near Philadelphia, thinks little of Americans, thinks monogamy is unnatural, is an atheist, was likely molested/raped as a child, and has a creepy, out-of-touch sense of humor that usually results in a slew of downvotes or a general lack of response. And of course, he is a staunch defender of his attraction to teenagers and makes it a point to comment on any pedophilia topic that comes up on this site.
I think it's safe to say that this guy is a bit of a pervy odd-duck. As for him being a pedophile, I could not make such an accusation. There are red flags, but the proof is lacking. While it is appalling, it is not a crime to be attracted to teenagers. It's probably why the mods haven't banned him yet. Would I be surprised if NJHolyLand ended up on To Catch A Predator? Absolutely not. All we can do is be aware of this guy from now on and report it/screenshot it if he posts something illicit. Thanks for brining this up. I know you do so because you care about the integrity of this site.
Thanks for that
Why do you say any of those things? Except for my age lol swing and a miss
My fault for not saving some of this info which I suspect has now been deleted. The comment of where you live is gone (which is smart), along with you stating that you were an atheist (contractual restriction at work?). But since you asked, I'll provide evidence to back the rest of my statements:
No kids
Although you deleted the comment where you said you lived near Philly, I found this comment that might supplement as evidence. Williamstown NJ is 28 minutes from Philly.
Thinks little of Americans.
Believes monogamy is unnatural
Saying such a blanket statement tells me you may have been sexually abused as a child. Not proof, just my two cents.
Where there's smoke there's fire. You've never admitted to being attracted to 15 year olds, you just talk about them a lot! I could bring up all such commentary if you'd like. A simple Ctrl + F makes the job pretty easy!
By "blanket statement" you mean "fact" right? I'm also banned from clubs in Europe so what? Bars in Maine and New Hampshire too. I range wide and get rowdy so what? Do you not go out? It's often a cess pool of maladjusted lunatics and power tripping assholes
Why are you using "atheist" like a scarlet letter? This is the new world man. Lol you hate freedom. Im glad someone is reading my posts though, thank you.
Lol 28 minutes. If you have wings maybe
I have nothing against atheists. Never said I did.
According to google maps it is, but I guess you're the expert.'s+Sports+Bar+%26+Grill,+820+N+Black+Horse+Pike,+Williamstown,+NJ+08094/Philadelphia,+Pennsylvania/@39.8282533,-75.2400138,11z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c6d4e286f8b41f:0x7d4abb11a1dd4dcb!2m2!1d-74.9998086!2d39.6968043!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c6b7d8d4b54beb:0x89f514d88c3e58c1!2m2!1d-75.1652215!2d39.9525839!3e0