Went to the Dollae Tree for a bunch of crap I really didn’t need. Was buying Christmas goodies for neighbors kids. At register was the same worn sign they hand printed in July “DUE TO COIN SHORTAGE PLEASE USE EXACT CHANGE BUT WE PREFER CARDS NOT CHECKS”. My total was $18.90. I gave the worker, snowflake, not sure what gender due to blue/pink hair and nose rings and Sparkly mask $18.90. He/she/it said “ We can’t take cash unless it is correct amount!” This is our future!!!!!
Comments (35)
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This is nothing new. I think the real reason for these signs is because their cashiers have no idea how to make change because they apparently haven't taught the most basic math for 40 years or more.
You can really stump some cashiers by handing them a dollar, a quarter and a nickel for a $1.27 bill. Or worse, a dollar, a quarter, dime and a penny for a $1.36 bill.
This is true too. If my total is 5.xx and I have a 10 I'll give them 11 so I get a 5 and change back. 95/100 times the cashier has a deer in headlights look completely overwhelmed with getting $11 and being incapable of pressing 1-1 on the register to find that I was trying to make their job easier and my wallet thinner.
“Uh, anon, here’s your $1 back, you gave me too much.”
“No, punch it in, you’ll see.”
Everyone needs to teach their kids, even the 20-somethings, and grandkids how to make change. The schools aren't doing it nor are they teaching basic math. Actually, I'll repeat my usual refrain - get your kids out of the public schools. If you can't homeschool, see if your church will help with the costs of a church-sponsored school. Or gang up with other parents and start your own school.
Yeah, it's hard but not nearly as hard as life is going to be for your kids with a lousy education and probably brainwashed into thinking Communism is a great idea.
They have just justify their existence not by doing a good job of teaching kids but in coming up with one hairbrained educational disaster of a theory after another and then experimenting with it on the children. They've actually been doing this for a very long time. When I was in public school in the 50s and 60s, they imposed the idiocy of "new math" and phonics on us. Luckily for us, they were still teaching basic reading, history, and so on.
They also expected us to buck up and take it when we got a poor grade instead of protecting us from our own laziness or stupidity. And we were actually "tracked" by our intelligence and skill levels instead of expecting the smart kids to be bored out of their skulls while everything was taught at a level for the least intelligent kids' comfort.
After us, came the deluge of educational jackassery.
I had one class in high school that wasn't tracked so was taught lowest level. I was bored out of my skull. However, they didn't expect drugs to discipline kids, they expected teachers to back then. So we didn't do rowdy.
That's when you say "It is the correct amount, let me count it out for you" and then proceed to count and keep separation. When you're done add "and the good news is now you will have some more coins in this coin shortage!"
Bought a coffee at quick trip in Texas with $3 cash (3, 1 dollar bills for people that need context clues, and yes I needed extra change in my pocket). They give me a receipt for $1.26 credit. I asked “what is this for? I gave you cash?” They responded, “we don’t do cash right now. So this is an IOU for your next visit.”
Am I missing something? Did they come out with a $3 bill now?
I still can't figure out where all the coins went. I only have a small hoard.
There were more coins stamped out by the Mint last year than any year in the past. So plenty of coins were minted. Where are they hiding them?
It is odd. I wonder if part of it is like the toilet paper hoarding thing. People heard there was a coin shortage and then...yeah🐸
I don't think hoarding would explain it.
ok, maybe I've missed something - why is there a change shortage?
One of those false BS things courtesy of the assholes who brought us this mess. If there was a coin shortage, then why is Coinstar still in business?
That's when you tell it to keep the change.
Was she/he/they/ etc. wearing a mask? Maybe it was due to oxygen deprivation.
Yeah, sparkly one!
I'll be paying my exact change in pennies I'd that's the case
Saw those signs come up around summer 2020, still used cash and was never refused. Been using cash for the past 5+ years. Sorry you had to interact with a moron.
I never spend my change it goes home where I store it for when paper becomes wortless always use $20 dollarbills
Where are you people shopping that requires clerks to do their own math manually??? Literally only seen this at taco trucks and they usually employ ex drug dealers who are wizards at mental math.
It has been like this for quite a while now since 2020 I believe. I'm a cashier they might not have had the change we haven't had a shortage in my town that I've noticed.
Umm... Change for what?
It sounds like OP gave exact change but the cashier could not count.
Lol now that's funny. Apparently I could not read but in my defense it's Monday and I was coffee deprived this morning due to an emergency fire hydrant replacement that my city has known it needed replacing for 6 months at least and they didn't notify anybody in the area including the businesses. Except for one tiny little post on Facebook at the moment they were shutting down the water.
My dollar general has a chick cashier with blue hair and a beard. It's hot.