This is all madness. Who owns the international monetary fund? Private individuals? Were they elected? Do they print stacks of dollars and give it to governments to commit genocide against their own people? Why aren't they jailed ?
Federal reserve owned by a private individual. Rothschild! So why is he allowed to print money and then charge the government interest on these paper dollars and charge income tax too? Why are American taxpayers paying Rothschild to print money? Why doesn't the USA print its own money? Isn't this madness?
This is all madness. Who owns the international monetary fund? Private individuals? Were they elected? Do they print stacks of dollars and give it to governments to commit genocide against their own people? Why aren't they jailed ?
Federal reserve owned by a private individual. Rothschild! So why is he allowed to print money and then charge the government interest on these paper dollars and charge income tax too? Why are American taxpayers paying Rothschild to print money? Why doesn't the USA print its own money? Isn't this madness?
Shhh. Dont talk about the elephant in the room. Talk about some fake news instead