Borax is a natural mineral that is mined from the earth and is no different than table salt in this regard. Borax is the sodium salt of the weak boric acid. Borax's toxicity is about the same as sodium chloride (salt).
When ingested directly, borax reacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form boric acid and sodium chloride. Ingested boron compounds are rapidly and nearly completely excreted with the urine. I not sure what caused your "explosive shit-storm", but it could have been taking way too much of it. We only need very small quantities of boron for good health and to prevent diseases such as arthritis. In large quantities it has adverse effects, the same as any other compound. Most commonly, it could have been the Herxheimer reaction, which is an early aggravation of symptoms (you may feel worse before you feel better). This is the main cause of pain or discomfort in the digestive system when starting with borax supplementation. It is commonly due to toxins being released by killed Candida and mycoplasma. This is very common with antimicrobial therapy, and borax definitely is an exceptionally good and strong fungicide.
Taking a 1/4 teaspoon of Borax directly is not something normal people would do anyway. You're taking way way too much of it. The amount you took is equivalent to 2.1 grams of boron. This is over a 1000 times too much.
For every 25 to 30 mg of Borax, it provides approximately 3 mg of Boron.
With 1 tsp Borax concentrate dissolved in a liter of water and then ingesting 1 tsp (5 mL) of the solution will provide 3 mg boron. Initially, you should take no more than 2 tsp of the solution (6 mg boron). I take 35 mg of boron and it cured my arthritis. Also, the French diet contains about 35 mg of boron in it. As a population they have the lowest rate of arthritis in the world.
If it's just like salt then it probably was taking to much. I know from experience when I eat waaaaaaay to many salted sunflower seeds (I love sucking the salt of them) I get the runs pretty bad.
I think you may have misread the borax dosing instructions. I mix 1/2 tsp borax to 2 cups water, then use 1 - 3 tsp of that mixture in a glass of water/coffee 1 - 3 times a day. Both my husband and I have experienced less arthritis pain, reduced muscle cramps, better sleep, and his PSA dropped below 7 for the first time in several years.
Borax conspiracy part 2.....
I tried a 1/4 teaspoon of Borax onces and 8 hours later, while going for an evening jog, I had an explosive shit-storm.
'Was forced to flee into some bushes to explosively defecate and then limp home... not knowing what mess I had made on my track-pants.
Would not recommend.
Borax is a natural mineral that is mined from the earth and is no different than table salt in this regard. Borax is the sodium salt of the weak boric acid. Borax's toxicity is about the same as sodium chloride (salt).
When ingested directly, borax reacts with hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form boric acid and sodium chloride. Ingested boron compounds are rapidly and nearly completely excreted with the urine. I not sure what caused your "explosive shit-storm", but it could have been taking way too much of it. We only need very small quantities of boron for good health and to prevent diseases such as arthritis. In large quantities it has adverse effects, the same as any other compound. Most commonly, it could have been the Herxheimer reaction, which is an early aggravation of symptoms (you may feel worse before you feel better). This is the main cause of pain or discomfort in the digestive system when starting with borax supplementation. It is commonly due to toxins being released by killed Candida and mycoplasma. This is very common with antimicrobial therapy, and borax definitely is an exceptionally good and strong fungicide.
Taking a 1/4 teaspoon of Borax directly is not something normal people would do anyway. You're taking way way too much of it. The amount you took is equivalent to 2.1 grams of boron. This is over a 1000 times too much.
For every 25 to 30 mg of Borax, it provides approximately 3 mg of Boron.
With 1 tsp Borax concentrate dissolved in a liter of water and then ingesting 1 tsp (5 mL) of the solution will provide 3 mg boron. Initially, you should take no more than 2 tsp of the solution (6 mg boron). I take 35 mg of boron and it cured my arthritis. Also, the French diet contains about 35 mg of boron in it. As a population they have the lowest rate of arthritis in the world.
If it's just like salt then it probably was taking to much. I know from experience when I eat waaaaaaay to many salted sunflower seeds (I love sucking the salt of them) I get the runs pretty bad.
Epsom salts will do the same
I think you may have misread the borax dosing instructions. I mix 1/2 tsp borax to 2 cups water, then use 1 - 3 tsp of that mixture in a glass of water/coffee 1 - 3 times a day. Both my husband and I have experienced less arthritis pain, reduced muscle cramps, better sleep, and his PSA dropped below 7 for the first time in several years.
That was probably bacteria/parasite/organism die-off.
Borax is a powerful anti fungal.
If you read up in wild plant foraging, many of them are also
Lol, sorry! Isn't it supposed to be 1/4 tsp. Sipped throughout the day? Did you take it all at once? Haven't tried it yet, but I did buy it