Hello I have been taking Dr Z's vitamin regiment for months now and so far it's been working great but today I have tested positive for the Rona.
Anyone know the dosage change that I need to do at all? A link would be great.
Thanks in advance 👍
Hello I have been taking Dr Z's vitamin regiment for months now and so far it's been working great but today I have tested positive for the Rona.
Anyone know the dosage change that I need to do at all? A link would be great.
Thanks in advance 👍
Keep eating.
Keep drinking.
Keep moving your legs, even when sitting.
Keep upright.
Steroids are the way to go, they will keep your appetite up.
My family got hit hard. Prednisone was the only thing that made a difference.
I had HCQ, Ivermectin, Quercetin, and Z-Packs. Chelated Zinc, Vitamin D, Bromelain, and Vitamin C on top of that.
All the above don't matter if you don't eat or drink and stay on your back all day.
It hits everyone differently.
Don't underestimate this virus. I've lost family in this war.
Hospitals are guaranteed to kill you at this junction. Stay far away from them unless you absolutely need an IV bag. Refuse all treatment but IV and straight O2.
Everyone who hasn't been culled in the hospital already is either stupid or evil. They are chop-shops and will say you cannot make your own medical decisions anymore and will restrain your hands against your will so you can't take your mask off. They will up the O2 rate to burn your nose and say you need the bipap.
It snowballs from there.
Refuse the Bipap, Remdesivir, and the Ventilator. The pressure will flood your lungs and kill you faster.
It happened with my mother.
Don't stop eating or drinking.
Covid lung is horrible. Buy a dehumidifier. Steam makes the lungs worse.
Force yourself to eat. Force yourself to drink.
Set alarms to make sure you don't sleep more than 5 hours at a time.
My dad was hit with thrush. Be ready to ask your primary for Nystatin if you start tasting something bitter and a white fuzz gets on your tongue.
This isn't just another flu. It's either a bioweapon or a friggin' EMF weapon. Take your pick, the damage is the same.
Excellent thank you 👍