About two weeks ago, I printed off 5 sheets of the Screw you Salvation Army coupons to drop in the kettles instead of money. I cut them out, put one in my wallet and the rest in my driver's door pocket next to me 'I Did That' Biden stickers.
Alas.... I have not yet placed a single coupon in a single red kettle. Its because I havent seen A SINGLE KETTLE yet this season, even though around here the campaign starts on Thanksgiving Eve. Yes the same stands are in front of the same stores as usual; Grocery, Walmart, Bass Pro, etc... but there are no ringers and no kettles.... NOT ONE.
Not only are the donators pissed, but the volunteer (and paid) ringers are non-existent as well. And the SA deserves it.
About 10 years ago I was on the 'Advisory Board' for the local Salvation Army unit. I joined for all the wrong reasons (attempting to make business contacts) but I was really surprised at the quality of the operation, its philosophy, the other board members, and I actually gave quite a bit of effort before I moved far away from that unit, and never got around to seeking out the local unit at my new home city. I even got so involved that I ran the pickup route at 10pm one night a week. I volunteered to do this because I was one of the few board members who could and would carry protection. And frens... protection was needed because every year somewhere in the country, a few dozen kettle collectors were robbed and one or two were killed or at least shot. By the end of a pick-up route, I would have 10-12 full kettles in my trunk. The kettles averaged more cash than a cash register, and a certain segment of the underworld know this. I drove a long goofy way to the secret drop off / counting location, to be greeted by a plain clothed officer guarding the place.
I say all that to share the following plea; from what Im seeing.... the collection campaign this year is CATASTROPHIC to the very valuable mission that the army provides. We preach about letting the churches provide instead of the govt. and we're right and righteous when we do. So please do donate... just go 'around' the Salvation Army
I hope you will hear me on this.... what ever amount you think you would have donated 'through' the SA... PLEASE consider making some direct donations... The recipient charities that they flow through to didn't get woke, and those charities do awesome work.
Here's a couple programs that the SA supports to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars annually (or at least did up until now.)
1 Battered Womens' houses where the women can hide with their children. Even I as a board member did not know the location of the properties.
2 one strike and you're out 'first housing barracks' for men who were released for good behavior from their jail or penitentiary time... requirements; zero violent episodes while incarcerated, attend chapel daily, and look for work. But try to check in at night with liquor on your breath or signs of drug use, or fail to check in at night, or get arrested for anything... you're locked back in the system, THAT NIGHT.
3 and of course feeding homeless children
Yes... these last chance services serve gay people, and drunkards, and prostitutes, and drug addicts, and criminals. You know.. the kinds of people that Jesus was always helping.
So FUCK the Salvation Army, but please give somewhere. These types of charities are going to be in REAL trouble in 2022.
I totally agree. We were nice to her. Just no donation.