They won't allow that. Look how much power the people are willing to give up for a false sense of safety at the cost of freedom. Do you ever think the powers that be will ever relinquish this power? Not a chance. Like a boa constrictor around our necks. Tighter...then a little looser...then tighter again where we have nothing. They tell us what's going to happen. People have been brainwashed and continue getting jabs. They keep complying and making it where we lose because of them. Look at all the current restrictions. Ain't goin back to normal and that's the plan unfortunately.
Henry Makow needs to read the Q drops
Debt will be erased but power will be returned to the people
They won't allow that. Look how much power the people are willing to give up for a false sense of safety at the cost of freedom. Do you ever think the powers that be will ever relinquish this power? Not a chance. Like a boa constrictor around our necks. Tighter...then a little looser...then tighter again where we have nothing. They tell us what's going to happen. People have been brainwashed and continue getting jabs. They keep complying and making it where we lose because of them. Look at all the current restrictions. Ain't goin back to normal and that's the plan unfortunately.