posted ago by Swervish ago by Swervish +14 / -0

Maybe yours is making music...



Rocking a baby to sleep

Sitting with your eyes closed and listening to the breeze in the trees

Running past the wall


Praying & meditating

or.... Crawdad fishin

What ever it is... go do it. And do it more often. Peace is good. Have more. Only you can make peace happen. No one else can give it to you.

Full disclosure: I really had to stretch to put this in tonights-theme context... but I think is baller and I want to be there singing along with them.

***I got great news today, and I want as many of you as possible to taste what Im feeling. We may be awake, but we are fragile imperfect humans, so I am making an attempt to share some joy tonight. If you liked this attempt to spread a little joy, in this confusing and evil world we are trying to survive in right now, I have been dropping many like this tonight. I mean for these to be gifts, hugs, a round or beers, etc. Just click my name, then click posts, and youll find some hopefully uplifting music. Love you.