New Normal MY ASS.
We decide what is normal in this country and for sure in our own lives.
"Politics is down stream of culture. Maybe you cant change their culture, but its damn time to stop letting them dictate YOUR culture.
Get the old gang of wrinkled up, creaky jointed Beautiful People back together and;
Actually design/ publish/ and market a brand new board game.
Build a fleet of rat-rods and drive them to key west.
Start a little league for home schoolers. (It doesnt matter if you kids are all grown)
Go buy Instruments and start a freekin band. JUST DO.
Go to the hospital or nursing home and 'do the makeup' for the patients there. Make a giant damn circus of love and fun out of it!
Raise funds and remodel the education wing at church. Start, and then plan, for Gods sake... God can handle the chaos.
Go canvas your entire neighborhood as a group and make sure th eold people are OK. They probably arent. This has seriously fucked with their heads.
Whatever is you gift... group up and use it before you loose it.
A poor plan executed in any way, will outperform a perfect plan that is never executed.
2022 is your year!!
***I got great news today, and I want as many of you as possible to taste what Im feeling. We may be awake, but we are fragile imperfect humans, so I am making an attempt to share some joy tonight. If you liked this attempt to spread a little joy, in this confusing and evil world we are trying to survive in right now, I have been dropping many like this tonight. I mean for these to be gifts, hugs, a round or beers, etc. Just click my name, then click posts, and youll find some hopefully uplifting music. Love you.