Many civilizations believed that Racine is the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
It was also the once great model industrious city of America and invention capital of the world where they claim slavery ended with Joshua Glover and the Underground Railroad. It never ended, it evolved, and there are many forms of enslavement.
Also, the Bavarian Illuminati moved from Bavaria to Racine.
These are only a few reasons. It is the most important model community on the planet for their entire Agenda.
That is interesting, I was visiting Chicago five years ago and drove to Milwaukee through Racine. I saw a lot of shit there, but I assumed it was because it was in the middle.
There is a reason why Aztalan and Carthage are both close by.
Gilbert Knapp is given the credit, but he was working for the Illuminati Astors.
At this time the celebrated John Jacob Astor was at the head of a great fur trading company on the western lakes, and had complained to the government that a large illicit trade was being carried on between the English and the Indians to the injury of the government and the detriment of licensed traders.
Captain Knapp, with his vessel, was accordingly ordered to Mackinaw to look after this business. In the discharge of his duties he captured large quantities of contraband goods, which were confiscated by the revenue department, and the illicit traffic was in this way completely suppressed, to the no small benefit of Mr. Astor. He remained at this station for eight years, and in 1828 left the service and retired to private life. During one of his cruises on Lake Michigan he had halted at the mouth of the Racine River and gone ashore to "spy out the land" being, as he believes, the first white man who had ever pressed the soil at this point.
Just like the Rothschilds, DuPonts, and Rockefellers, the Astors always set one of their Astor males as the head of the entire family. This headship is passed down as a birthright within the different branches of the family, just as any King passes on his throne. On the corner of 33rd St. and 5th Ave. (the site later began the site of the Empire State Building) the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel was built by William Waldorf, et. al. The hotel opened in Mar. 1893. It is described as ‘the ultimate in
snob appeal.’ Later two Astor cousins built the Astoria (another even taller elite Hotel) in New York which opened in 1897. Of course, like many of the other elite famIlies, the Astors have theIr Maine property to get away and relax. In 1894, John Jacob wrote a novel A Journey in Other Worlds where he describes a society which operates on the idea of conserving energy. Strange how the elite likes to promote conservation among us ‘cattle.’ In the late 1800’s, the Illuminati began to reconfigure its outward face. The higher levels started creating innocent sounding cover organizations to hide their meetings behind. In 1901, the Astors contributed toward the creation of the Pilgrim Society, which was the cover organization for Amer. & Brit. 6° Princes of the Illuminati. I believe at least five Astors are now members of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrims had recently included David Astor, John Jacob Astor 8th, and William Waldorf Astor 3rd. And during the 1970s, Baron Astor of Hever was the President of the London branch of the Pilgrims. This implies that Astor of Hever was at least the next level up in the chain of command.
The Astors also have been very prominent in the Group’ which is Britian’s equivalent to the Skull & Bones Soc. In Britain, the Astor, along with about 20 other families dominate the Group, just as certain families like the Whitneys in the U.S. help dominate the Order of Skull & Bones. Again, as was earlier pointed out, the key to understanding Satanism is the bloodlines. In 1910, the muscle and bone branches of the Illuminati reconfigured themselves with the creation of the Round Table groups in 1910. The Astors were the part of the financial backers behind the Round Table groups along with Abe Bailey. Rhodes and Milner were key players is setting up The Society of the Elect, a supersecret top circle of Illuminati. Rhodes Trust in part helped by the Astor, helps finance the Rhodes Scholarship system. Rhodes a high ranking Freemason wanted the Masonic clap-trap as part of these various new groups, but Milner and Brett did away with the Masonic rituals and costumes, etc.
Why did they pick Racine? What's so special about Racine?
Many civilizations believed that Racine is the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
It was also the once great model industrious city of America and invention capital of the world where they claim slavery ended with Joshua Glover and the Underground Railroad. It never ended, it evolved, and there are many forms of enslavement.
Also, the Bavarian Illuminati moved from Bavaria to Racine.
These are only a few reasons. It is the most important model community on the planet for their entire Agenda.
That is interesting, I was visiting Chicago five years ago and drove to Milwaukee through Racine. I saw a lot of shit there, but I assumed it was because it was in the middle.
Had no idea about the history, wow!
There is a reason why Aztalan and Carthage are both close by.
Gilbert Knapp is given the credit, but he was working for the Illuminati Astors.
I wonder if the Astors are still alive. John Jacob Astor supposedly "died" in the Titanic when he was the richest man in the US.