When you look back, the intel agencies do not have that much imagination. They reused Operation Northwoods as a basis for 9/11 and they framed Carter Page rather like they did Oswald. Page got himself on the Trump Team so the CIA had him sent to Russia to have a meeting which they set up. Who was at the meeting? Whomsoever the CIA chose.
When the time was right they tried to make Page look like a spy because of his Russian meeting. Note, in the Daily Mail article they mention Russia as close to the name Oswald as often as they can to make it look bad for Oswald. Instead of Russia they could have equally well have said CIA but that would not be the narrative would it? It was just like the Mueller Report when it referred to Page. Same playbook.
When you look back, the intel agencies do not have that much imagination. They reused Operation Northwoods as a basis for 9/11 and they framed Carter Page rather like they did Oswald. Page got himself on the Trump Team so the CIA had him sent to Russia to have a meeting which they set up. Who was at the meeting? Whomsoever the CIA chose.
When the time was right they tried to make Page look like a spy because of his Russian meeting. Note, in the Daily Mail article they mention Russia as close to the name Oswald as often as they can to make it look bad for Oswald. Instead of Russia they could have equally well have said CIA but that would not be the narrative would it? It was just like the Mueller Report when it referred to Page. Same playbook.