Due to his earlier research with colleagues at UF, Ostrov already knew diphenhydramine was potentially effective against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The latest discovery has its roots in a routine meeting of scientists with the Global Virus Network’s COVID-19 task force. One researcher presented unpublished data on federally approved compounds that inhibit SARS-CoV-2 activity, including lactoferrin.
Like diphenhydramine, lactoferrin is available without a prescription. Ostrov thought about pairing it with diphenhydramine and ran with the idea. In lab tests on human and monkey cells, the combination was particularly potent: Individually, the two compounds each inhibited SARS-CoV-2 virus replication by about 30%. Together, they reduced virus replication by 99%.
99% reduced replication. Your natural immune system can handle the leftovers (If you still have the immune system that God gave you and not the new one that the clot-shot reprograms yours to.)
Let that sink in. 99% Antihistamine + Milk Protein
Link to the scientific paper published in the Journal; Pathogens
Etymology of the word influenza comes from the Italian language meaning influence and was said to be caused by influence of the stars. This was taken to mean that there are specific times or cycles to when influenza strikes and influence s the body to rid itself of toxins. No one with correct levels of vitamin d will get it. There are videos telling you the correct levels. You need a blood test to determine your levels. which will only be correct in sunny climes and lots of skin exposure. Clif high goes into it and takes 40 thousand a day cos he had cancer. Vit. D is a sort of hormone..does many things beneficial to body.
Why were we told to stay indoors? Sun makes vitamin d.
At one time vit d was plentiful in food and there were some German beers made producing very high levels of vitamin d. It was added to milk.cheexe bread etc .very cheap to make it.
Then through newly formed Rockefeller institutions and under tavistock control it was removed from everything as people were healthy and happy and had no need of Rockefeller patent medicines made from petroleum.
I can't remember the link where I read this..on one of the videos ab out vitamin d.
The symptoms of the Flu ..body removing toxins via viruses spongelike excreted from cells to mop up toxins and then be excreted from body ..sweat ..fever...mucus etc .radiation poisoning a ...remember people on cruise ships fitted out with 5g and just had been switched on in Wuhan exactly same symptoms but with added oxygen deprivation of the cells which is why ventilators didn't work..it was cells not lungs
Lack of vitamin d. Produces all the same symptoms but not la k of oxygen in cells
All this information is on the internet ..sorry not got links anymore.