MFW I redpill a sheep with tons of facts, pics, and docs, and they listen attentively the whole time, and then when I get done they say "So, where is the evidence?"
🧠These people are stupid!

Receipts. Sheep need receipts and preferably from a source they trust (which grudgingly produced said article).
I tried to use a non-mainstream article about mRNA vaccine testing on animals and my source was deemed not good enough and thus I’m ridiculed and disrespected.
Unless you’ve got air tight sources at the ready and can anticipate some of their questions, don’t think that because you’re awake they’ll just magically believe you. They want to be right just as much as you do, so I recommend humility and a bunch of evidence. Getting heated will shut down any progress. At the very least, remaining calm and asking them some questions like, “How have the Amish who don’t watch tv and didn’t mask or social distance at all fare in 2020-2021?”
I had a friend growing up who would say, “Jet fuel can’t melt steal beams.” This made me mad, because it meant that my government destroyed the twin towers and 9/11 was an inside job. Just because factually he was right, didn’t mean he convinced me to question the rest of the narrative or the government in other areas. I didn’t come to peace and believe this until the last year and a half. I didn’t read about Q until after the election and just prior to the former vice president’s inauguration.
Find common ground with them. Like how the NFL is having a massive COVID-19 outbreak right now despite high vaccination rates. How come vaccinated players don’t have to be tested daily, yet the majority of cases are in the vaccinated? Almost as if vaccination status shouldn’t matter if you can still catch and transmit the disease.