The below link is an updated authenticity analysis presentation of Obama’s birth certificate. For those that have been around a while, some of this is a refresh. Donald Trump knew the document was false going back to 2011.
Skip to 13mins in the link. There is interesting details up to the end if you stick with it. The investigator describes some of the lengths the government is willing to go to cover their dirty little secrets.
If you are relatively new here and wondered what the deal was with his birth certificate, this is a must watch.
I don't know why this keeps getting posted as recent, it has to be 2017. There is nothing new here.
Watch the news ticker at the bottom of the screen. Headline news tickers don't run 4 year old news.
Just a couple of the headlines on the ticker:
...Dylan Roof as being found guilty of murder for the Charleston, SC church shooting which was in 2017.
...US Intelligence says Putin personally orchestrated the hacking of Hillary Clinton campaign.
Not to mention President Elect Donald Trump