When I posted this info couple days ago I was pressed for time, heading in to work, didn't get a good chance to explain what I found. I have more time now.
I stumbled across post 370 where Q said, "clock started - 10 days". It was in reference to a anon asking "what happened on 12/7?"
Here is post 370, https://qanon.pub/#370
What happened on 12/7? Q posted a shit ton of pictures of the most corrupt elite.
Here are a few examples.
Huma Abedin and John Podesta https://qanon.pub/#294
Obama and his ring about Allah and book "Post American World" https://qanon.pub/#295
Hillary with Rothchilds, noname and Soros. https://qanon.pub/#296
Hillary with Suadi dignitaries, noname with terrorists. https://qanon.pub/#297
Noname with more terrorists, Bush meeting with Saudi Ambassador (One year after 9/11 happened) https://qanon.pub/#298
So the Anon was asking about the pictures Q dropped on 12/7 and Q's response was "clock started - 10 days". That takes us to 12/17. (tomorrow)
Now, lets look at post 3716 and 3717. They were dropped on Dec 17, 2019.
You only have to look at one of them because both posts are identical. I guess it was important enough, Q posted it twice. (2 year delta). The exact same post, twice.
Here is what it reads:
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
All along, the trick has been to try to predict what happens before it happens based on the Q drops. Decode the Q code. Its not date fagging, its making predictions based on the evidence given. Will we see a major indictment drop tomorrow? I'm not saying anything will happen, just pointing out some connections I saw. You know its coming any day. The available date options have been narrowed down for us, lol. Lets see what happens.
Stay safe my fens!!!
I could not hope for this any harder. I'm the Helium Balloon of Hopium