While I like 11.3 being part of the law of war what if 11.3 was being referenced to Revelation 11.3 ........
Revelation 11.3 (KJV)
And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. ......... I read this as Trump devolving his power to someone and Boiden not being in control. Sure he's "resident" and he can do normal operations, but isn't in charge of the military
Thoughts or take your own interpretation from the Bible verse
11.3 is a reference to the Law of War. Learn to read the map.
Law of War Manual
Key Chapters
Watch this video from MAJIC EYES QNLY. He has put it together and given us a key to unlock the map. These are not some stretch esoteric connections and dogs. He shows in the video exactly how Q post numbers exactly line up with the Law of War.
#TheStorm BIGGER You Think - You've Always Had More Than You Knew
My point being is that the passage also reads like Trump had to give up power and let the military take over. I've gone down the Law of War rabbit hole and agree that's the proper answer. but my point by posting this is how does Trump do the Reveal. all we are doing is speculating, right. Even the Law of War is just speculation - highly probable tho. I'm not a big bible reader but its interesting that there is an 11.3 passage in revelations. Hence why I bring it up. Also do you think Trump is running a shadow government in exile?
Gosh I really don't know and it's even tougher to speculate on that. If he is it's very well hidden. My thought is he played his primary role in the The Plan and is done except for cheerleading and maybe President again after 11.3 and new elections.