While I like 11.3 being part of the law of war what if 11.3 was being referenced to Revelation 11.3 ........
Revelation 11.3 (KJV)
And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. ......... I read this as Trump devolving his power to someone and Boiden not being in control. Sure he's "resident" and he can do normal operations, but isn't in charge of the military
Thoughts or take your own interpretation from the Bible verse
[Stream of consciousness outpouring coming...which turns out to be more of a general comment on theories and underlying mechanics of people's reactions/take-aways. Please consider this to be randomly interjected ramblings more than a response to your OP :) ]
There are certainly some parallels there, the presidency could be a fractal/'as above, so below' manifestation of that transition noted in Revelation. I had imagined the witnesses quite differently and never considered them in control/power...just the most rare, unbiased, incorruptible souls picked as independent 'judges', immune to the pull from either 'side of the force'. Your take certainly gives me something to think further on, thanks...now on with the ramble.
The way I see it, the truth is like a light split through a prism from a human perspective...passing through some irregular medium that can make some colors shift and effectively become dead-ends when traced back the the source. Doesn't make them any less true (especially to the experiencer), it's just impossible to convince the majority because you've only been able to explore/show a part of the way.
Pretty analogous to 'rabbit holes' too, you're following a string of truths but sometimes there's a dead end...if only you knew the 'offset' to dig side-ways and pick up the rest of the line.
There's only one continuous line/color that perfectly traces back to the source, and for those that haven't found it (or purposefully avoid it...it is kind of like a spoiler in the game of life) often all that can be done is keep trying by process of elimination. At the very worst this idea helps narrow things down. thumbs up